Deadpool Movie Review


So, I tried to watch Deadpool the other day. And I do mean tried. I generally do not like “super hero” movies and I think there are too many of them, especially lately. Someone explained this to me. It seems that someone released the rights to something, and then a bunch of people decided they better make a movie out of every single comic book ever made. Anyway, I do like Batman(because Christain Bale is in it), and most recently, Antman(because of Paul Rudd). No further explanation required. Back to Deadpool. It got great reviews and a high # on IMDB, so why not give it a chance……

I think I made it through 15 minutes total. The movie starts out with an over the top action sequence, including several(too many) slow motion shots. This was peppered with a bunch of cheesy lines that were not funny. My partner was watching it with me, and had to leave the room to take a phone call. I gave it another 10 minutes, and then I decided to leave it on, get up, and wash the dishes. So, I guess I like washing dishes more than watching Deadpool. When my partner returned, I explained to him that I didn’t like the movie, and he said, he figured. I said I would rather watch Antman for 5 minutes and fall asleep, because that actually happened the other day. Not because I don’t like that movie, but because I was really tired. Then he said, why don’t you just go to sleep, you don’t have to watch 5 minutes of Antman first. Good point.