Human Behavior at Aldi


Today I made a trip to our local Aldi to pick up some groceries. Nothing out of the ordinary about that.  There are always some interesting characters there, but today was especially perplexing.

I was in line at the one checkout lane that’s open, with a whole cart full of stuff.  A man came up behind me holding just two containers of whipped topping.  To be nice, I asked him if he wanted to go ahead of me, since I had so many more items than he did. He happily took advantage of my offer. Then, I started to unload all of my stuff onto the counter, a man comes into line behind me with an armload of stuff; at least 10 items or more. He gave me what I would call a nasty look. Now, it’s not my fault that he chose not to pay a quarter(which you get back by the way) to get a cart. He looked at me in a way that suggested since I let the other man go ahead of me, I should let him go too. I disagreed. If I continued to do this, who knows how many customers I would end up letting go ahead of me in line? No thanks.  I would never get out of there. So, I continued to unload my cart, and he continued to give me a nasty look.

The cashier then announced another lane would be opening, and asked the man to go to that lane. The man then said loudly, “how long will that take?”. The cashier totally ignored this comment, which I thought was hilarious.  The man then moved over to the other lane.

Cut to me outside. I’m unloading my bags into the back of my car. I see “The Man” standing next to his vehicle (which was an old minivan in case you wanted to know) with his pants down at his ankles, navy blue briefs on, peeing into a plastic portable urinal in the parking lot. I looked around the parking lot to see if anyone else was watching but me, but everyone else seemed totally oblivious to this! I continued to watch from my rear view mirror, and I then saw the man pour the contents of the urinal onto the ground.

OK, if you are going to go through the trouble of using a portable urinal to pee, why dump it on the ground? Why not just pee directly onto the pavement, if you intend on dumping the urine out? Or, why not sit in your vehicle, where there is some privacy, and do your business so no one can see you? I will never know what was going through this man’s head.  Anyway, he dumped the urinal on the ground, pulled up his pants, got in his van, and drove away.

I wondered then if he was angry in the checkout like because he desperately had to urinate? Maybe he thought he was about to pee his pants because the line was too long, so he took out his aggression on me and the checkout guy. I don’t know. I just wished there was someone else there to witness this sequence of events with me, because it made my day.

P.S. Full disclosure-the picture above is not from today, it’s from the internet. Of course I wanted to take a picture of the actual guy, but that would have probably been inappropriate. Maybe next time……….